Wednesday, June 15, 2011

~ Toy Story Fiqa ~ Part 3: 7-9 months

 7 months old

Baby development:

  • She can support all of his weight if he's holding onto furniture.
  • She may be able to walk from place to place clinging to furniture.
  • From his tummy, he can creep forward.
  • She rocks when on her hands and knees.
  • With full color vision, he enjoys looking at complex objects—and will even move for a better view.
  • She responds to her name, recognizes voices and different tunes.
  • She starts cupping his hand around toys and can push them into his hand with his thumb.
  • Her eyes help her explore, and she uses them as a gauge when reaching out for objects.
Masa fiqa 7 bulan ni dia dah mula mengangkat punggung dan nak belajar merangkak. Dia dah boleh sit siket2. Kawan saya ada advise, kalau nak pakai walker, biar baby da pandai duduk , takut nnt kalau belum boleh sit , akan effect postur badan. Betul ke..? ntah..Wallahualam..Anyway walker yg ni pun from office collection. thanks to my collegue!

After 6 month dalam wrapper, kini tiba masa kita lihat! Apa dia?..jeng..jeng..jeng..
Fiqa da xsabar..
Hai! I have a new car!

 8 months old

Baby Development 
  • Crawls forward or backward, sometimes while holding an object.
  • She is beginning to string two behaviors together.
  • She is developing small-motor skills such as the pincer grasp.
  • She begins to articulate sounds, starting with vowels and moving on to all the other sounds made in every language.
  • She starts to investigate the world.
  • She knows that toys don't disappear when they're hidden; they still exist somewhere. 
Saya suka tengok fiqa main stacker ni..tapi by this age, dia xreti lagi nak masukkan dalam rod tu..dia baling2 je..dia suka tgk benda jatuh, n dia kutip balik..alahai anakku..pandai!
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 9 months old

Baby Development 

  • She pulls himself up to stand using the furniture.
  • She sits alone and stretches to reach a toy without toppling over.
  • She can catch a suspended object or a ball rolled directly to him.
  • Her hands are more skilled and his movements are more deliberate and varied.
  • She begins to make signs—lifting his arms to be picked up and banging a spoon to summon dinner.
 Ni cik elly (elephant) baru fiqa..Elly the shape sorter!..

What the shape sorter can do for ur baby?

Developmental Benefits for Baby

Helps baby learn through everyday experiences

  • Helps baby learn to identify & sort shapes & colors.
  • Enhances problem-solving skills with put & take play, stacking & sorting.

Motivating Imagination

  • Encourages creative thinking as baby discovers new ways to play with blocks.
  • Bright colors & interesting shapes intrigue baby.

Encourages Developing Motor Skills

  • Placing blocks in bucket strengthens eye-hand coordination.
  • Grasping & sorting blocks develops finger & hand dexterity.
Disebabkan toys fiqa da banyak mama put all the toys in the toy boxes. Biar senang sy nak kemas..

baru 9 bulan da ada 3 kotak toys dia..
iyah..apo susah nak amik nih..
terbalik suda!!senang je nak kasi kuar sumer!bijak anak mama nih..

Love, an

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